Happy new year to you all. I hope you enjoyed the festive period and managed to spend some quality time with family and friends.

The holidays are an extremely busy time for the NHS, and I want to thank health and care staff who worked tirelessly to keep patients safe, and the public for continuing to use services appropriately.

Unfortunately, we have entered the new year in an extremely challenging position with a number of our acute hospital trusts experiencing the highest level of pressures, and some declaring critical incidents.

There are a number of causes for this. High rates of norovirus, flu and COVID-19 have resulted in increased admissions, extended lengths of stay for some patients as well as bed closures due to infection prevention and control measures.

Furthermore, high proportions of patients remaining in hospital awaiting discharge, due to a lack of travel arrangements or suitable accommodation, for example, is also impacting on bed space and patient flow within our hospitals.

It’s important to stress that Cheshire and Merseyside is not alone in experiencing this level of demand. Across the country pressure on health and social care services over the festive period has been significant, and much work is being done nationally and regionally to alleviate this.

You, too, can play your part by taking simple measures to stay well this winter, such as getting your winter vaccinations when invited to, keeping warm, staying active, looking out for others, and choosing the right service when you need help.

If you’re unsure, please make NHS 111 online your first port of call for urgent health advice, and only ring 999 or visit A&E for life-threatening illnesses or injuries.

On 6 January the NHS published its elective reform plan, which sets out proposals to reduce waiting times to meet the 18-week referral standard by March 2029.

Measures include giving patients greater choice and control over when and where they receive their care, which will be delivered in part by an upgraded NHS App appointment management system.

We look forward to these changes being implemented to empower our patients and improve access to care.

Graham Urwin – Chief Executive

Click here to read our January 2025 Monthly Update

Content provided by NHS Cheshire and Merseyside.

Published on Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:00:00 GMT
Modified on Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:26:37 GMT