Our Services
Antenatal Services
We host a midwife led antenatal clinic every week
The community midwives can be contacted directly at their office (based at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital) on 0151 708 9988.
If you are newly pregnant and would like to arrange your first midwife appointment please ring the following numbers.
Liverpool Women’s Hospital – 0151 247 4747
Whiston Hospital – 0151 430 1234.
Children's Services
Children’s Immunisation Schedule
Here is a checklist of the vaccines that are routinely offered to everyone in the UK for free on the NHS, and the age at which you should ideally have them.
Health Visitors
Our health visitors are employed by Liverpool Community Health. They work with us to provide care for children and young familes. Find out more about what they do.
Minor Surgery
We offer a minor surgery service for removing skin lesions. We are only able to remove skin lesions which are causing pain or irritation. Removal of cosmetic lesions such as skin tags is not provided on the NHS.
Joint Injections
We provide a joint injection clinic on Monday or Thursdays from 14:30 – 17:00 depending on demand and availability. Please arrange an appointment with Dr Donald for an initial consultation.
Foreign Travel
Our Practice Nurse team are able to provide some holiday vaccinations for you.
If you are travelling outside Europe and require more specialised jabs such as Rabies or Yellow Fever we will refer you to the Liverpool Well Travelled Centre for further information.
Chronic Disease Management
We offer annual review appointments and monitoring for numerous conditions such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Asthma and COPD.
Gender Identity Services
We offer advice and onward referral to national and local gender identity services. We assist in transfer of medical records following gender reassignment.
Learning Disability
All patients with learning disability are offered a comprehensive annual review with our GP lead Dr Young. They are also invited for a review with our practice nurse and we liase with the learning disability team should further input be required.
We offer first contact Physiotherapy appointments for musculoskeletal complaints. You do not need to see a GP first. You can request this through our digital front door.
Health and Wellbeing Coach
We offer appointments for advice on self managing your general health and wellbeing. This may include advice on diet, exercise, your mental health and social issues.
We employ our own pharmacy staff who assist us in safe prescribing and review of repeat medications and high risk drugs.
All our Doctors can give you advice and prescribe contraception. We can offer appointments for insertion of long acting contraception such as the implant or coil system.